The Waiheke Collective have put together some frequently asked questions about the group.
We anticipate you will have more questions and we encourage you to get in touch so we can add your questions to our website.

For questions specific to predator control check out the Te Korowai o Waiheke FAQ page here.

If my project/passion/group is not focused on predator control can I still be a part of the Waiheke Collective and how do I contribute?
The idea of the Waiheke Collective is to pool our combined passion and resources to support our natural environment. We believe a holistic approach to environmental restoration is what is required to achieve a resilient, healthy and thriving natural environment. There are many facets to involvement, predator control just being one piece of the puzzle. The current sub-groups are centred around topics such as Marine, Education, Communications, and Strategy. However, we encourage the formation of new sub-groups and can provide support in this process. The best step is to come along to one of our meetings and to hear and suggest ways you might be able to engage. 

Are we working together with parts of Auckland Council, (e.g. Auckland Transport, Community Facilities) to achieve outcomes?
Auckland Council are a partner in the Waiheke Collective and has been involved with the collective discussions. However, ongoing discussions will be required to work through the details of how the proposed programme is implemented and to ensure all Auckland Council departments and CCOs are fully briefed and aligned.

Does the community have a say?
We have a community-led commitment and strategy.  This means it has been initiated and driven by people from our community. The best way to engage is to come along to our meetings where we run a consensus decision-making process so all participants are heard.

How will current community conservation initiatives be supported?
The intention of the Waiheke Collective is to help amplify current initiatives. It is anticipated that community programme leaders will join to help identify and align activity and ensure a well co-ordinated and strategic approach. It is hoped that more support will be enabled by this way of working.

If you have further questions please contact the Coordinator at waiheke.collective@gmail.com