Waiheke Marine Project

The Waiheke Marine Project (WMP) is an exciting prototype of community and mana whenua taking collaborative action to protect and regenerate the island’s land and sea. The aim is to

• Embody Ahu Moana (1) at scale so that the mauri of Waiheke Island’s marine environment is protected and regenerated;

• Enable all voices to find ways through the systemic barriers and resourcing capacity that so often inhibit marine care efforts;

• Provide the best conditions for ongoing implementation of projects that deliver on the 9 common ground commitments reached at the Future Search hui in late 2020.

The WMP has an innovative collaborative structure known as Te Kete that is depicted in the image below and best described as an open weave kete with 6 backbone threads or workstreams that work together to support multiple reinforcing actions (or pipis) that collectively deliver on the 9 common ground commitments. Just like a kete, there are overlaps that contribute to the strength of the container. This woven way of working is notably different from the silos common in organisations.

Phase One of the WMP was about tilling the social field so the seed of Tiriti guided and collaborative marine care action could be planted, germinated and begin to grow. A thorough summary of this phase is found at waihekemarineproject.org/report

Phase Two of the WMP is taking that germination to scale around the whole island, supporting the growth of multiple, diverse projects to collectively protect and regenerate Waiheke’s marine environment. This report describes the many actions completed, underway and in conception against the Phase 2 Project Plan. The report also describes what we are learning along the way and next steps. 

(1) Ahu moana is a concept promoted by Tai Timu Tai Pari / Sea Change Plan that supports collaborative management approaches between mana whenua and local communities to restore and improve coastal fisheries and environments in their local nearshore areas. The WMP is actively prototyping this concept.

For more info visit their website or email team@waihekemarineproject.org